A stranger in his own life, 25 year old Danny reluctantly returns to his childhood home after his father's sudden passing. To his surprise, he slowly rediscovers his hometown in the middle of nowhere as a summery paradise and falls back in love w
很多年前,银河系另一端的两颗行星被黑洞所吞噬,两个尚在襁褓中的外星孩子乘坐飞行器来到地球。拥有超能力的他们在截然不同的环境中长大,也造就了各自不同的性格和人生走向。长大后,仪表堂堂、正气凌然的成为了保卫城市和平的城市超人(布莱德·彼特 Brad Pitt 配音),而相貌猥琐、蓝皮大头的则化身破坏人民安康的大坏蛋麦克迈(威尔·法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 配音)。他们终日争斗,战争不断。城市超人博物馆开幕当天,麦克迈成功越狱,并劫持了美丽的女主播罗珊(蒂娜·费 Tina Fey 配音)。在天文台的终极决